ÿ I am spending time on busywork that can better be done by a VA professional.
ÿ I am discrediting my professionalism by promoting myself to the public.
ÿ Improved customer relations and personalized follow up are important to me.
ÿ Office space & equipment for more personnel is an issue.
ÿ I would prefer to not be liable for workers compensation, employee taxes, sick pay,
vacation pay, health benefits and the like.
ÿ I would love to pay for the actual time it takes to complete a project, as opposed to
paying an employee a specified number hours each week whether there is work or not.
ÿ I‘m realizing that my time and resources are valuable and I’m ready to take control.
If more than three of the questions above apply, then a Virtual Assistant could greatly benefit you and your business.
My name is Kimberly and my team and I support U.S. professionals in simplifying their time, creating a professional image in their community, and generating more business.
Busyness is one of the greatest obstacles that professionals face today, don’t let ominous tasks steal your livelihood! Contracting a capable assistant makes sense and gives you back the time that you should be spending doing what only you can do. Give us a call to see how we can assist you.